The subjects are presented and trained in a relaxed, informal and humorous atmosphere. At the pool, in the "conference room", on the trail, at the beach or in a famous ancient city.
Applied Sport Psychology, Mental Training, Running Hypnosis
As the only supplier we focus in this camp on a training issue, which is usually either ignored or addressed only frightening superficially: effective mental training to improve athletic performance, training, motivation, recovery and overall well being.
You learn and train scientifically based sport psychology strategies that you can immediately implement in everyday life. You also get an insight into the systematic use of running hypnosis, the "new generation of mental training" for runners. The contents are the same as our Running Psychology Seminar, but here we have more time to practice and fine-tune.
Train smart, not hard" Approach
We have very good experience with our "Train smart, not hard" approach. Because less is often more. At least your instructor Michele could achieve with this approach (in conjunction with his mental strategies) surprisingly good results and will report on it. It is certainly interesting for those who want to have more extra time for other hobbies and family next to the running training. We may also introduce you to rock climbing as a fantastic way to streinghten your core muscles. Definitely more fun than spending hours in the guym.
Delicious and fun Micro-Expeditions
Our top priority is enjoying the movement, landscape and nature. We want to have fun and show you how the deliberate focus on the fun and enjoyment factors can massively enhance your performance. Therefore, our training runs are primarily oriented on enjoyment and socializing, even if here and there you may come to your limits. Each practice session and every trip with us has a touch of adventure, is a kind of micro-expedition in the near or distant surroundings and sometimes even into the depths of one's personality.
"MiniMax" Technical Equipment
Many providers and operators offer equipment recommendations, sometimes obviously, sometimes subsurface sponsor-based (along the lines of "who pays the piper"). And the sporting goods industry, of course, doesn't miss any opportunity to influence the need perception and purchasing behavior of the runner. We are independent, honest and show you how to get technical equipment with minimal financial outlay and master even extreme challenges.
"Biomechanic Experiments"
If desired, we will build our own bespoke running sandals (Huaraches), a "shoe model" that has been proven over thousands of years. Using the Huaraches we might get an even better feel for our running style and can further optimize it.
Free Coaching-on-the-Run
if you sign up for Lycian Way Ultramarathon and start with us
More Infos: Bonus Offer