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"Some like it hot"

11.01.2014 11:19

Michele Ufer trains and gives a lecture in the sauna

On Friday, the 7th February at 6pm extreme sports athlete and mental coach Michele Ufer invites for an exceptional lecture in Dortmund. While the guests sweat in the sauna for their health, Michele does an endurance session on the bicycle ergometer.

During the training, he gives a wonderful presentation about the DESERT ULTRA, a 250km ultra marathon adventure through the oldest desert in the world in Namibia. Michele also answers questions on issues around the areas of training, health and motivation, even to his favorite subject of sport psychology and mental training.

For Michele, it is a welcome opportunity to warm up again before he follows an invitation to the ICE ULTRA in the Arctic Circle, an extreme race at -40°C in which participants must cover a distance of 230km.

The event takes place in the sauna area of the brine bath in cooperation with the "Solebad Wischlingen" and is free of charge.

Please register under +49 231-917071-0. For the visitors, sauna towels are available (no nude ).

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